
Showing posts with the label Young earth

Evangelicals, Let’s Call a Truce on the Age of the Universe

There’s an unseemly battle going on among evangelicals over the age of the universe. On one side there are the “YECs” — young-earth creationists. They take the “plain meaning” of Genesis 1 to mean God created everything described there in six days, 8,000 to 15,000 years ago. On the other side are the “OECs” — old-earth creationists (BioLogos) — who accept the scientific consensus that the universe began almost 14 billion years ago. Both sides in this battle are Christians; both believe God is Creator. Typically both sides agree there was an original human couple created uniquely in God’s image. These two first humans were innocent before God until they fell into sin. Both sides agree that Christ came to restore us to the relationship with God that He intended for us. Yet Biologos believe with Adam and Eve were 10,000 other humans of which God chose only two. The YEC side is led by Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis. OEC’s most prominent spokesman is Hugh Ross of Reasons to Believe. 

Biologos versus Young Creationists

What is your mission? As described in the introduction, BioLogos was founded by Francis Collins, a world leader in genetics and an evangelical Christian . The mission of BioLogos is to invite the church and the world to see the harmony between science and biblical faith as we present an evolutionary understanding of God ’s creation. We hold to these core commitments:   •      We embrace the historical Christian faith , upholding the authority and inspiration of the Bible .   •      We affirm evolutionary creation , recognizing God as Creator of all life over billions of years.   •      We seek truth, ever learning as we study the natural world and the Bible.   •      We strive for humility and gracious dialogue with those who hold other views.   •      We aim for excellence in all areas, from science to education to business practices. What do we mean by the Christian faith? We mean the same core beliefs held by Christians over the millennia, from the Apostles’ and Nicen