
Showing posts with the label Zacchaeus

Stingy or generous Christians?

The Road to Emmaus appearance, based on Luke 24:13-32, painted by Joseph von Führich, 1830. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) He may have been a wee little man, but he was the kingpin of the Jericho tax cartel. He was a filthy rich little guy, this Zacchaeus . But when he met Jesus , everything changed — not only his heart, but his hands. The same fingers that once reached to extort filthy lucre, now extended with generosity to the poor, and to pay back fourfold anyone he’d defrauded (Luke 19:8). Sign of a New Soul It’s only a few verses earlier in Luke’s Gospel that Jesus encountered another wealthy man, who we call “the rich young ruler .” His great possessions were the barrier to him following Jesus. Veteran pastor Kent Hughes , who served nearly thirty years at College Church in Wheaton, Illinois , says the contrast is unmistakable: How we handle our money has everything to do with how we orient on Jesus. The rich young ruler chose his wealth over Jesus, but for Zacchaeus, meetin

The name of the Lord is a strong tower

Appearance of Jesus to Mary Magdalene after resurrection, Alexander Ivanov, 1835 (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) “The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.” ( Proverbs 18:10 ) When one realizes that he is lost and that only Christ can save him, he should not delay a moment but come immediately to Christ. There are, in fact, several men in the New Testament who actually ran to Him. There was the man possessed with a whole legion of demons. “But when he saw Jesus afar off, he ran and worshipped him” ( Mark 5:6 ), and Jesus set him free. Then there was a young man who wanted to learn of Christ. When he found that Jesus was going away, he came “running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?” ( Mark 10:17 ). Unfortunately, his sincerity failed when he realized the cost. Zeal without sacrifice is dead, as is faith without works. There was another wealthy man who was willing to pay the pri

Jesus constantly invited people, do you?

English: Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) "He saith unto them, Come and see . They came and saw where he dwelt, and abode with him that day: for it was about the tenth hour." ( John 1:39 ) This is the first of the gracious invitations of the Lord Jesus to "come" to Him. On this occasion, right after His baptism by John, He invited two potential disciples to come with Him to His dwelling place. Very likely, this was an outdoor mat somewhere, for He soon afterwards acknowledged that "the Son of man hath not where to lay his head" ( Matthew 8:20 ). Nevertheless, one night of abiding with Jesus changed their lives. Soon afterwards, He issued another invitation to them. "Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men " ( Mark 1:17 ), and they never went home again. First He invites us to come to see and know Him, then to come with Him to win others. There is also the wonderful invitation to come