
Showing posts with the label abraha

God is bigger - than my fear and makes things possible

We have much more than a friend in Jesus. In all of our talk about having a real, authentic, down-to-earth relationship with God, we’ve traded the almighty, sovereign, intervening Creator of the universe for a companion to chat with about life’s joys and challenges. We don’t really expect him to show up and change anything; we just hope he’ll keep us company along the way. Because we’re tempted to fall back into small, domesticated views of God and into small, short-sighted prayers, God wrote a Book. He gave us words to inject us again with wonder in the midst of the mundane, and in the face of the unique challenges in each of our lives. These [things] are written so that you may  believe  that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing  you may have life  in his name” (John  20:31 ). God has spoken, in the Gospel of John and everywhere else in Scripture, so that we would  believe , and so that we would be prepared to face anything in this life with fait