
Showing posts with the label algorithms

Is the digital world that shaping us or faith?

Nearly every week, I hear from pastors, ministry leaders, or parents about the ethical challenges they face as they encourage those under their care to love God and love their neighbour (Matt. 22:37–39). Many of these questions centre on the digital advances of our day—especially social media. As we enter another year, here are three truths to equip yourself and your people to wisely follow Jesus in a digital age. 1. The Christian ethic is more than sufficient for our day. We tend to believe we’re facing novel issues the writers of the Bible didn’t foresee and couldn’t address. While it’s true these writers never talked about social media, algorithms, or ChatGPT, the assumption that the Bible is insufficient for the challenges of our day is misplaced. It’s driven by thinking of the Christian ethic as a set of rules rather than as a rich framework for pursuing wisdom no matter what comes our way. Many, if not all, of our current ethical issues, are rooted in deeper questions of what it