
Showing posts with the label basketball

Our inside man

When Barack Obama took office as president in 2009 he converted the White House tennis court into a basketball court for private pick-up games, to de-stress and stay fit. Games were strict “invitation only.” Instantly, this became the most sought-after invitation in Washington. Congressmen, senators, legislators, celebrities, donors, dignitaries, and diplomats of all stripes would contact the White House, the chief-of-staff, the press secretary, the communications director, and any other highly placed official to try beg, bribe, or bargain their way into a game with the President. None of these requests succeeded. What the powerless power brokers didn’t know was that there was only one person that arranged players for these games. There was only one man who could get you into the inner circle, and that person was a 20-something intern named Reggie Love, the President’s body man. “Body man” is jargon for “special assistant and personal aide to the President.” His job is to get whatever