
Showing posts with the label bitterness

Don't let bitterness rule

If you have been on your journey for any time, you know you can find hurt, frustration, disappointment, and failure. Regardless, you cannot give in to the destructive practice of bitterness. It is famously said that bitterness is our poison, hoping it kills others. Bitterness is the result of losing what we need for the journey. We stop walking in hope, faith, and trust and resign ourselves to accepting the worst of all possibilities.  Walk His disciples were confused and distraught when Jesus ascended into heaven after His death and resurrection. But Jesus explained it was better for Him to go away so that the Holy Spirit could come and live in His follower’s hearts. What a wonderful development that God Himself would create a way to come and live in a person’s heart. Not just in a temple they could visit or among to be seen but not fully known. God moves in! Every believer becomes a connection point between the eternal God and the present moment. And Paul explains that God gives us p

Lazarus and bitterness

Lazarus has been in his tomb for four days by the time Jesus arrives. Ever proactive, Martha goes out to meet him. “Lord,” she says, “if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that whatever you ask from God, God will give you” (John 11:21–22). Perhaps we sense reproach in these words. And yet Martha’s faith in Jesus is complete: Lazarus is dead, but she still believes her Lord can help. Jesus responds, “Your brother will rise again” (John 11:23). Like many first-century Jews, Martha believes in an end-time resurrection of God’s people. “I know that he will rise again,” she replies, “in the resurrection on the last day” (John 11:24). But we can almost hear this grieving woman think, But what about now, Jesus? What about now? Why won’t you help me now? In this moment, Martha stands where many Christians stand when faced with suffering . We have ultimate promises: one day Jesus will return and put the world to rights. But we are much more like chil

Hoonestly - Do you hold bitterness?

It’s inevitable. People are going to hurt us. Even those close to you. In fact, perhaps especially those close to you. With every hurt, there is the potential to wake the bitterness monster. He’s a light sleeper. And he’s more clever than we think. Even a small relationship scuffle is enough to arouse him into action. We mustn’t underestimate him. Bitterness: hurt incurred from either real or perceived offense, gone unchecked, and allowed to continue by failure to apply biblical principles and thinking to the hurt, resulting in hatred and resentment. Bitterness is the quick fix for the flesh. Dealing biblically with conflict and hurt becomes too much work. So, like a spiritual pusher, bitterness offers a quick high. But, though it delivers for a moment, it destroys in the long run. To be sure, real hurt occurs far too often through atrocities such as abuse and criminal acts. In these cases, fighting bitterness can be excruciating. Even and especially so, God extends comforting and