
Showing posts with the label blameless

Have you ruined your testimony?

But in all things we commend ourselves as ministers of God (2 Cor. 6:4). Paul gives one of the most eloquent and specific descriptions of a blameless ministry. As we examine some of the points Paul makes, ask yourself whether you exhibit any of these qualities in your own life.  Can you say that you have endured afflictions with patience?  Have you manifested the fruits and gifts of the Spirit and remained committed to the Word of truth at all times?  Can you say with Paul that no matter what people think of you, you can rejoice in the Lord because you possess all things in Christ—happiness in the midst of sorrow, honor in the midst of accusation, spiritual riches in the midst of poverty?  Ask yourself these things as you study this testimony of the “least of the apostles.” Paul divides his marks of a blameless ministry into three categories: manifold trials (vv. 4, 5), graces and gifts (vv. 6, 7), and circumstances of evil and good report (vv. 8–10). Time and again, Paul