
Showing posts with the label body immune system

Corona Virus and our God designed immune system

The world is being bombarded by another virus right now. It’s taking a toll, sadly. I thank God for the blood, sweat, and tears of our healthcare workers under immense pressure in these times. Our world is feeling it in all sorts of rough ways. Viruses are nasty little guys. They are very, very small. The coronavirus is about 100 nanometers in diameter. To put that in perspective, there are one billion nanometers in a meter. In other words, ten million coronavirus’ lined up end to end would make a meter. But size is no commentary on their strength. They are wicked villains. They aren’t even technically considered living things. They are super selfish and unloving. They prey on other cells to keep going, without asking permission. Though they are not living, they do have genetic material that they shove into other cells, which forces reproduction, causing you to get sick. But, virus bombardment is nothing new. Every day on this planet, we face a huge number of micro-villains,