
Showing posts with the label born in sin

Why do we sin?

Few people understand the extent of sin and the doctrine of total depravity. Paul summarizes our sinful condition by combining several Old Testament texts: “None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God. All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one.” “Their throat is an open grave; they use their tongues to deceive.” “The venom of asps is under their lips.” “Their mouth is full of curses and bitterness.” “Their feet are swift to shed blood; in their paths are ruin and misery, and the way of peace they have not known.” “There is no fear of God before their eyes.” (Rom. 3:10–18) This is what it looks like to be “dead” in trespasses and sins (Eph. 2:1). All sin is rooted in failing to glorify God as “the true God and our God” (Westminster Shorter Catechism 47). It is bad to be sinners before a holy God, but it is even worse to be unaware of who we are and why we need Christ to save us. However, the Bible not only tea

Born Gay - No way

Lady Gaga: Queen of Pop (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Lady Gaga ( Stefani Germanotta ) speaks for millions in her song “ Born This Way ,” when she declares, I’m beautiful in my way, ‘Cause God makes no mistakes I’m on the right track, baby I was born this way (Streamline/Interscope/ KonLive , 2011) The song is a hodgepodge of pluralistic affirmations, but its dominant message is unmistakably sexual, which Gaga’s music video makes explicitly clear (viewer discretion strongly advised): No matter gay, straight, or bi Lesbian, transgendered life I’m on the right track, baby I was born to survive “Born This Way” is a pop anthem of Western culture , a musical declaration of sexual independence. But it is not revolutionary, like Queen ’s “We Will Rock You” or “ We Are the Champions ” from a generation ago. Gaga (a name inspired by Queen’s “Radio Gaga”) is singing a mainstream manifesto, a dominant cultural belief about self-identity: I am my sexuality (my sexual desires and se