
Showing posts with the label breaking habits

Walking in the Spirit and breaking habits

There is a direct connection between walking in the Spirit and breaking a sinful habit. Today, many people suffer from drug addiction. Perhaps they began getting high just for kicks, or because they wanted to look cool, but now they are hooked. Drugs as we know them today were not available in New Testament times, but many people were addicted to wine, which led Paul to write to the believers in Ephesus, “Don’t drink too much wine. That cheapens your life. Drink the Spirit of God, huge draughts of him” (Eph. 5:18 MSG). To those who are struggling with addiction of any kind, the Bible offers a different master: Be controlled by the Spirit, rather than drugs or alcohol or any other stubborn habit. The Spirit’s control will replace sin’s control. His power is greater than the power of all your sin put together. Perhaps you’re wondering at this point, “OK, how do I get hold of this power?” You begin by clearing the deck. Confess your sin—and the sin must be confessed—and receive God