
Showing posts with the label build

Wisdom builds your life

“Wisdom has built her house; she has set up its seven pillars ( Proverbs 9:1 ) The foundation of the house of wisdom is “the fear of the LORD. .the beginning of wisdom” ( Proverbs 9:10 ). One does not finally reach the Lord through much study and the acquisition of much wisdom. The fear of the Lord is the very “beginning of wisdom.” Without a reverent trust in the God of creation and redemption, there can be no true wisdom. “For other foundation, can no man lay than Jesus Christ” ( 1 Corinthians 3:11 ). Then, erected upon this foundation and supporting all the superstructure of the “house of wisdom” are seven mighty pillars or columns. But what are these? The answer seems to be found in that New Testament book of wisdom, the book of James, where it is said that “if any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God” ( James 1:5 ). Then, “a wise man and endued with knowledge . . . [will] show out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom” ( James 3:13 ). Finally, the seven g

They were unified - wanted to rebuild

“So built we the wall; and all the wall was joined together unto the half thereof: for the people had a mind to work.” ( Nehemiah 4:6 ) The ambitious project of rebuilding Jerusalem’s wall, with all its gates and other structures, was completed in less than two months ( Nehemiah6:15 ), for all “the people had a mind to work.” This was in spite of the danger from the external enemies who wanted to delay the work if they could. The third chapter of Nehemiah has a remarkable list of the workmen on the wall. Men of all walks of life participated, each with an assigned portion of the work as organized by Nehemiah. The first verse of the chapter tells of the work done by Eliashib, the high priest, and all the other priests; the last verse lists the contribution of the goldsmiths and the merchants. There were the Nethinims (v. 26), apothecaries (v. 8), rulers (i.e., “mayors,” vv. 9, 12, 14-16), and various others. At least one man even had his daughters working (v. 12). Only the nobles o

Words are powerful

Words are powerful. They transform lives and make history. They birth nations and topple empires. They make peace and fuel wars. They make covenants in marriage and wound those we most cherish. They change hearts and give news of eternal life by the power of the Holy Spirit. Words are foundational to everything we think, do, and say in all of life. Nevertheless, words are not ends in themselves. Words exist because God spoke them into existence that He might communicate with us. He spoke the world into existence and has graciously spoken to us in His sacred Word. When He created us in His image, He gave us the gift of speech in order that we might commune with Him in prayer, fellowship with one another, hear and preach the life-giving gospel, train our children in the way they should go, and open our lips that we might proclaim His praises. However, we have abused God's gift. Rather than praising God, we take His name in vain. Rather than building up one another, we flatter, g