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Jonah's evangelism saved people 1000 years later?

But the LORD said, “You have been concerned about this vine, though you did not tend it or make it grow. It sprang up overnight and died overnight”   (Jonah 4:10). After Nineveh repented and converted to Yahweh, Jonah was angry at God. He went outside the city and made a booth to shade himself from the burning sun. The booth was not enough, so God caused a large plant to spring up giving him shade as well. Jonah was happy. Then the plant withered, and the sun blazed down on him, and Jonah became angry again. God explained the object-lesson to Jonah this way. The plant represented Nineveh. The plant shaded and protected Jonah from the sun. Just so, the converted Ninevites would shade and protect Israel from tribulation. Just as the plant sprang up overnight, so Nineveh had converted overnight. If the plant died, Jonah would be scorched. Just so, if Nineveh fell away from the faith, Israel would suffer. The message was this: It is a blessing for Israel when the Gentiles receive the