
Showing posts with the label childless

Lost and Confused Z generation

“Nearly 30% of Gen Z women identify as LGBTQ, Gallup survey finds,” cheered the  NBC headline  Wednesday. NBC ran an  almost identical headline  about another survey in January. Our first thought was that taking 30% of women out of human reproduction would have devastating consequences for our nation. Our society can’t survive if male/female couples don’t reproduce. Our culture will collapse as traditional nuclear families are destroyed. It’s almost as if some people think that’s the point and the goal. To be sure, virtually the only reason  30%  of young women identify this way is that “LGBTQ+” is a social contagion. There is  no more celebrated group  of people on the planet than those who are confused about what gender they are or what sex they’re attracted to. Oh, they pretend to be oppressed, but for nearly the entire year, the national calendar is full of  days of recognition and celebration  for the Rainbow Cult. Even Joe Biden’s White House is  decked out in garish colors  to s

What Muslim women see in Jesus

I’ll never forget sitting across from a dear friend who tried to communicate what life was like for Muslim women. She held up two fingers and said, “You don’t understand. Women are number two—we’re number two!” She recognized that in my youth and naïveté, I simply didn’t understand some of the things she experienced. She felt my confusion, so she tried to communicate more gently, “This is just how things will be here.” Our family had moved to a country with a 99 per cent Muslim population. I was trying to learn a new language, adapt to a different culture, and somehow show these beautiful women that they were certainly not number two by God’s design. Yet I realized their greatest need wasn’t for me or anyone else to convince them—they needed to see Jesus. They needed to see the Messiah who loved them unconditionally and offered them the abundant life they were created for. Over the next decade of walking through life with these women, I learned that they longed to hear four important t

How long Lord before we have a baby? - John Piper

Peter tells us that “the Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness” (2 Peter 3:9). At some point, each of us joins the “some” group. We reach places where it’s painfully clear that our sense of time-urgency must be different than God’s. And it is. We prefer to measure time in minutes, rather than months. But the Ancient of Days measures time by millennia (2 Peter 3:8). God knows that he sometimes appears slow to us, which is one merciful reason he gave us the Bible. This book, which God took millennia to assemble, shows us that God is not slow, but patient in working out his redemptive purposes in the best ways (2 Peter 3:9). And it shows that he is compassionate toward us when we wait for him for what seems like a long time. Not as Some Count Slowness Abraham and Sarah were not only the parents of all of God’s faith-children (Romans 4:16); their lives are perhaps the most famous picture of God’s redemptive purposes in what seems like his painfully slow pace.