God's loves kids versus Trans activism

Former Patient Sues Infamous Surgeon Noted for Pushing Sex Changes on Kids Transgender-rights activist Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy has been sued by a former patient who is now detransitioning. Clementine Breen, 20, claims in her lawsuit that Olson-Kennedy pushed her into transitioning at age 12 and lied about her being suicidal to pump her with testosterone. The doctor told Breen’s parents that “if they did not agree to cross-sex hormone therapy, Clementine would commit suicide,” even though the girl never had any suicidal thoughts. Breen was never evaluated by a psychologist before being pushed into the puberty blocker and hormone treatments, despite having faced mental health issues and suffering from sexual trauma as a child. When Breen was 14, Olson-Kennedy pushed a double mastectomy on the girl. She also lied in a letter to the surgeon who performed the mutilation, saying Breen had “endorsed a male gender identity since childhood.” The doctor's notes show Breen onl...