
Showing posts with the label choice

The U controversy of TULIP theology

The doctrine that states that God is the one who chooses who will be saved is one of the most consternating and has resulted in incendiary discussions in church history. Emotions run very high in this debate, especially when people picture the non-elect as desperate puppies begging to be chosen but being left to starve by a feckless God who plays favorites and abandons his responsibility to millions of his hapless creatures. But the real issue is what the Bible says and how we are to understand it. Everyone who believes the Bible also believes in election. Ooh, them be fight’n words. Let me explain… The Greek word for elect means chosen or called out from a group. It is used seventeen times by six New Testament authors. Yes, even in the NIV. So it cannot be ignored or denied.  The debate pivots only on the matter of election being  conditional  or  unconditi onal. Arminians say ‘ I owe my election to my faith .’ Calvinists say ‘ I owe my faith to my election .’