
Showing posts with the label create

who created the World?

For by him all things were created. [Col. 1:16a] The word for God in Genesis 1:1 and the Old Testament is elohim, the plural of the Hebrew el. The verb create is singular, however, so we cannot translate the verse, “the gods created.” Rather, the plural elohim refers to a singular Being. Because elohim is used, however, many expositors have believed this a cloaked reference to the Trinity. The Bible makes it clear that all three Persons of the Godhead were involved in creation, so it is felt that the use of a plural word here and elsewhere in the Old Testament hints at the tri-unity of God. We cannot be dogmatic about this, however, since in Hebrew the plural form is often a plural of majesty, as when a king uses we to refer to himself. Christians often believe that creation was the work exclusively of the Father, that redemption was accomplished only through the activities of the Son Jesus Christ, and sanctification is the work of the Spirit alone. Actually, all three Persons are