
Showing posts with the label daily bible

Intimate devotions with God

Communion with God in Scripture is one of the great distinguishing marks of a Christian, an acid test of true spiritual life. Whatever else we are as believers, we are people who meet God in the Bible. To be sure, we see shadows of God in other places: His glory glows in His creation ( Ps. 19:1 ), confronting us everywhere, from the golden immensity of a galaxy to the wondrous intricacy of a cell. His moral perfection unhinges us with the thunderous whisper of an offended conscience. But these shadowy pictures are just that—all picture and no sound. “There is no speech,” the psalmist says, “nor are there words, whose voice is not heard” ( Ps. 19:3 ). There is enough in nature to leave us without excuse ( Rom. 1 :18ff), but there is not enough to renew us deep within. This peculiar glory belongs to Scripture alone ( Ps. 19:7 ). We may see His glory elsewhere, but only in Scripture do we hear His voice. How should we then approach the Bible? 1. Come fearfully . God is in this book.