
Showing posts with the label deception

Lost and Confused Z generation

“Nearly 30% of Gen Z women identify as LGBTQ, Gallup survey finds,” cheered the  NBC headline  Wednesday. NBC ran an  almost identical headline  about another survey in January. Our first thought was that taking 30% of women out of human reproduction would have devastating consequences for our nation. Our society can’t survive if male/female couples don’t reproduce. Our culture will collapse as traditional nuclear families are destroyed. It’s almost as if some people think that’s the point and the goal. To be sure, virtually the only reason  30%  of young women identify this way is that “LGBTQ+” is a social contagion. There is  no more celebrated group  of people on the planet than those who are confused about what gender they are or what sex they’re attracted to. Oh, they pretend to be oppressed, but for nearly the entire year, the national calendar is full of  days of recognition and celebration  for the Rainbow Cult. Even Joe Biden’s White House is  decked out in garish colors  to s

I left New Age for Jesus

For more than 10 years, I was entrenched in mysticism and self-discovery. Jordan Taylor I practised witchcraft and performed spells. I became an oracle card reader and enrolled in classes to sharpen my psychic abilities. I was a certified Reiki master and yoga teacher. I used crystals as a means of healing, protecting, and manifesting. I believed in astrology, manifesting under a new moon and cleansing and recharging my energy under the full moon. I worshipped nature and worked with goddesses. I found my spirit guides and let them lead my life. I’d talk to “Spirit/Source/Universe” and believed I was speaking to my “higher self.” I believed I created my own reality and was my own god, in control of my life. I thought I finally knew my purpose—to heal the collective, raise the planet's vibration, and help others heal and do the same. But behind it all, I grappled with darkness, deception, and a yearning for more . Still, I became trapped in a cycle of healing and “up-levelling,” cons

Sin creeps up on you!

You know the story. A man has been a believer in Christ for decades. To all outward appearances he's a man of Christian faithfulness and integrity. He has maintained a reputation as a fine example of public and private faithfulness to the things of God for decades. Then, without warning, it all collapses into a sinkhole of sin. Everyone wonders how it could have happened so quickly. In most cases, it soon becomes known that—like most sinkholes —the problem didn't develop overnight. Several years ago, this man likely had a relatively consistent devotional life through which the Lord often refreshed, strengthened, and matured him. But with each passing year, his busy life became ever busier. Increasingly he saw his devotional life more as a burden—a mere obligation sometimes—than a blessing. Because of the massive doses of Bible teaching he'd heard—in addition to the knowledge gained teaching church Bible classes himself—he began to imagine that he needed less

Is there another gospel?

“I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.” ( Galatians 1:6-7 ) Some have confessed difficulty with these verses, especially with the words “another gospel: Which is not another.” This problem finds resolution in an understanding of two distinct Greek words which, unfortunately, are both here translated as “another” in this passage. In verse 6 Paul uses the Greek word heteros, which implies something of a totally different sort altogether—something diametrically opposed to the one to which it is compared. But in verse 7 he uses the word allos, which implies a comparison of two items of the same sort. The thought might be conveyed as follows: “You are removed from the true gospel of the grace of Christ unto a totally different belief system, which is not simply a similar but legitimate expression of the true gospel. Inst