Are there degrees of punishment in hell?

Dr. Wellum sidestepped taking a firm position on the reality of degrees of rewards in heaven. In the same video, he equivocated on the issue of degrees of punishment in Hell . He said: “ When we think of punishments there is this sense of greater and lesser. How that works out in terms of Hell and judgment, Hell is Hell, yet Scripture seems to say that even though Hell is Hell there is somehow a greater accountability, maybe a greater experience that ‘I knew much more.’ Yet Scripture is very clear, we have to be very careful on this point as well that anybody that is receiving final judgment it is because they are accountable for their actions, there is no one innocent, that they have turned from truth . Those who turn from more truth, it could very well be that there is a greater sense of punishment or judgment. We are not told, we have hints of that. How that all works out is not easy to understand yet that seems to be the parameters we have to work through… ” Once ...