
Showing posts with the label demonic

Call on Jesus and your dead ancestors sermon?

George Pratt, a 2023 history and religion graduate and co-valedictorian at Morehouse College, recently told congregants at Antioch AME Church in Stonecrest, Georgia, that Jesus isn’t the only name they can call on when they need spiritual help from God.  Still, they can call on the names of their ancestors, too, because, like Jesus, their ancestors are also manifestations of God. Like Australian Aboriginal animistic worship of nature, their ancestors are now found in nature and ceremonies. Pratt is preaching another demonic-inspired warped version of Japanese ancestor worship. “We know that God as Spirit also presents themselves in other manifestations. Specifically through Jesus Christ, our elder brother, as an intermediary, and the Holy Spirit, our comforter,” said Pratt, who describes himself as a sixth-generation son of the African Methodist Episcopal Church and a liberationist. “God also blesses us with our ancestors as intermediaries who can work on our behalf in the tradition of

The devil is on the move constantly?

“And the LORD said unto Satan , Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.” ( Job 1:7 ) This remarkable scene in heaven provides us a striking picture of Satanic activity. The devil, in his opposition to God and His program of salvation, evidently never rests. He is not omnipresent, like God, because he is a finite (though very powerful and brilliant) created being. To accomplish his goal, therefore, he is never at rest, but keeps going from place to place and working deception after deception, bringing everyone he can under his influence. Therefore, God urgently warns us: “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil , as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour ” ( 1 Peter 5:8 ). The same is true of the demonic spirits who have followed the devil in his rebellion against God. They never rest until they can take possession of some person’s body and mind and then c