
Showing posts with the label disbelief

God has mercy towards people

EZEKIEL 33:1–20 “As I live, declares the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live; turn back, turn back from your evil ways, for why will you die, O house of Israel?” (v. 11). Ezekiel is known for his vivid descriptions of sin and the unthinkable idea among many ancient Jews that God would abandon the Promised Land and the temple (10; 16:1–58). It is incredible, then, that the prophet also clearly displays the Lord’s commitment never to abandon His people utterly (Gen. 15). The fact that God continued speaking to His people in Babylon through Ezekiel proves that He would not allow His chosen nation to pass away. The prophet went into exile with the group of leading Judahites who were taken to Babylon with King Jehoiachin of Judah in 597/598 B.C. (2 Kings 24:1b–17). One might think that this exile, which confirmed the Lord’s promise to punish the impenitent nation, would have convinced the people who were exiled a

Is discouragement because of lack of faith?

English: Icon of Jesus Christ (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) From time to time over the centuries some Christians have taught, sometimes with tragic consequences, that a truly spiritual person never gets discouraged. To be cast down is, by definition, to be 'unspiritual.' Unless we are well-grounded in Scripture, it is very easy for us to be overwhelmed, confused, and even more discouraged by such teaching. This teaching certainly seems logical: if the gospel saves us, it must save us from discouragement! It also appears to be wonderfully spiritual. After all, are we not 'more than conquerors through him who loved us' (Rom. 8:37)? But this is not biblical logic, nor is it true spirituality . The gospel saves us from death, not by removing death, but by helping us to face it in the power of Christ 's victory and thus to overcome it. So, too, with sin. And similarly with discouragement. Faith in Christ does not remove all of the causes of discouragement; rather, it