
Showing posts with the label dishonour

Stealing God's glory

Moses dishonored God before the Israelites because he struck the rock, in direct disobedience to God. Moses’ actions drew the attention of the people to himself, perhaps to make them think he had something to do with the miracle. But by stealing the glory from God and failing to honor Him, both Moses and Aaron were not allowed to enter the Promised Land. The catalog of others who dishonored God is numerous. The following is only a small sampling:   •      Saul did not submit himself to God , but in impatience and self-styled disobedience he failed to follow all of God’s instructions (1 Sam. 15:11). So God removed him from the throne.   •      Uzzah failed to recognize the majesty of God’s holiness by daring to defy God’s instructions (Num. 4:15, 19–20). God struck him down for his irreverence (2 Sam. 6:7).   •      Uzziah became proud, acted in a corrupt manner, was unfaithful to the Lord, and in an affront to God’s holiness, entered the temple to burn incense. God struck him with le