
Showing posts with the label divine direction

Not a Formula, But a Flow of Faith.

Joshua had to discover God ’s unique way of conquering each of the nations he encountered in Israel . Jericho, for example, had to be taken in a peculiar way; and when they simply assumed that they knew how to take the city of Ai, they lost the battle.  David also won every battle differently, because he waited for the green light of God’s way before venturing into conflict. One time the green light was actually given by the rustling in the tops of the mulberry trees ! We, too, need special wisdom to do the specific will of God . Ministry must be launched in the fullness of time; if the timing is not right, catastrophe can result. Our attitude must also be right. For example, it is God’s Word and specific will for us to forgive those who trespass against us. But the way some of us go about it negates its effectiveness: “I want you to forgive me for my honest mistake, and I forgive you for your dumb actions and immature attitude and pray that you will never be that stupid again.

What do I do? - Divine Direction

Wise Counsel One of the biblical names for Jesus is “ Counselor ” (Isa. 9:6). It reveals His nature and character as One who reveals His will and way through counseling. His name is also “Everlasting Father” and “ Good Shepherd ,” because of pastoral and parental counseling—godly advice from those wiser and more mature than ourselves—is an important way of determining the will of God . Numerous Scriptures confirm the necessity of seeking counsel before making major decisions: “He who listens to counsel is wise.” “Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” “Plans go wrong with too few counselors; many counselors bring success.” “Hear counsel, and receive instruction, that thou mayest be wise in thy latter end.” “There are many devices in a man’s heart; nevertheless, the counsel of the Lord, that shall stand.” “Every purpose is established by counsel, and with good advice go to war.” “Don’t go to war without wise guidance; there is safet

Divine Direction and the fruit of the Spirit

To be led by the Holy Spirit does not mean that we are led only by supernatural manifestations of the gifts . The supernatural fruits of the Spirit are just as vital in determining the mind of Christ as the gifts. The fruits and gifts are like two sides of the same coin, and both sides must be in good shape for it to be “spendable.” Evangelicals tend to emphasize the fruits of the Spirit, and charismatics the gifts. But the Holy Spirit is not in competition with Himself. Both the fruits and the gifts are manifestations of the Spirit’s activity in our lives. Isaiah declared prophetically, “You shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace” (Isa. 55:12a, emphasis added). To make decisions according to the spiritual peace they bring is being led by the Spirit. To take action because of the joy of the Lord is to be motivated by the Holy Spirit. To move in faith—which is both a gift and a fruit of the Spirit—is moving in the mind of Christ and walking with God , “For we walk by

Divine Direction rules

Though personal prophecy can play an important role in helping Christians make decisions, it is by no means the only way the Holy Spirit uses to reveal God’s will and way. Probably 90 percent of your decisions have been made without personal prophecy being the dominating or even motivating factor.  The most accurate method of making sure you do everything in harmony with Heaven is to follow the “Three W’s” of decision making: Determine God’s Word on a matter, His specific will about it, and His way to fulfill it. These are like three traffic lights that must all be “green” before we can proceed on our way. The normal procedure is to make sure you have a “go” on the number one traffic light of the Word. If it is red (no), don’t go any further. If it is green, go on to the next light of God’s will. Stay put until it is green as well; a yellow (take caution; no definite yes or no yet) means wait. Finally, when the third light of God’s way is green, you can proceed at the proper sp