
Showing posts with the label divine healing

Does God still heal?

Divine Miraculous Healing 1.      Direct healing that takes place when God heals directly by His sovereign power with no secondary agent used. There are 35 incidents in Scripture of direct healing. Gen. 17 and 21: Abraham and Sarah Isaiah 38:1–6: Hezekiah Luke 7:1–10: the centurion’s servant 2.      Indirect healing , which takes place when God heals through a secondary agent. The majority of the healings recorded in Scripture refer to secondary agents. 1 Kings 13:1–6: Jeroboam healed by the prayer of the man of God Acts 3:1–16: the lame man healed through the ministry of Peter and John Acts 28:8: Publius’ father healed through the prayer and laying on of hands James 5:14–16: Elders commanded to anoint with oil and pray for the sick 3.      Healing through prayer alone (five incidents in Scripture) 4.      Healing through prayer and laying on of hands (12 incidents in Scripture) 5.      Healing through prayer and anointing with oi l (two incidents in Scri

Sam Storms on Divine Healing

A. The Two Types of Diseases     1)      Functional disease A functional disease is one in which there is a change in the function of an organ or tissue yet without structural or substantive damage being done. Examples would be high blood pressure , lower back pain, and most headaches. Whereas there are symptoms involved, such would not appear under X-ray because there is no demonstrable tissue damage.     2)       Organic disease An organic disease is one in which there is a demonstrable change in a bodily organ or tissue. Examples would be broken bones, paralysis due to a severed spinal cord, congenital malformations , coronary artery disease, etc. Evidence for an organic disease often shows up on an X-ray.  Someone has illustrated the difference between these two types of disease in this way: If a computer showed that two plus two equals five, the problem is probably functional. Someone most likely programmed it incorrectly. However, if the malfunction was due to a ra