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Bored with God?

Trevin Wax Most of us know the feeling at some point. We reach a level of familiarity with the Bible, or we grow so accustomed to our church routine or sing the same song so many times that we get bored. We lose our interest in the things of God. We go to church, open the Bible, and send a few words to God in the morning, but we no longer feel any real passion or excitement at contemplating the realities of the Christian faith. Our senses grow dull. Our vision is dim. Our tastebuds don’t work anymore. In a fallen world, we can count on feeling bored at some point, even in our walk with God. Ironically, the solutions to boredom provided by our phones and technology (where, at any moment, we can find a morsel of entertainment) can be the source of spiritual boredom, keeping us perpetually distracted from truth and substance. Boredom often coincides with feeling jaded. Sometimes, that jadedness arises from being disappointed in others. The more experience you have in church, the more like