Fear of loosing my job
Sometimes I worry about losing my job. Do you? I mean, I work pretty hard. But you never know, you know? Maybe funding for our organization won’t come in. Or perhaps the organization’s needs will change. Or even—I’m embarrassed to admit this—we’ll face societal breakdown, like in one of those “day-after” movies, where the square-jawed hero has to defend himself and his two precious children with nothing but his wits and a shotgun, as marauders patrol burned-out streets in pickup trucks with tough-guy rollbars. No, that’s not a big worry—but it crosses my mind. More realistically, foreign governments could call in our debts, tanking the dollar and collapsing the economy - let alone a virus pandemic that has shut down the world. Then a massive natural disaster could hit. You think those things could never happen? It’s easy to think about job loss when you’re balancing the chequebook or watching shower tiles fall in your twenty-five-year-old bathroom. Should we redo the b...