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Eliezer's Faithful Service

“And Abraham said unto his eldest servant of his house, that ruled over all that he had . . . go unto my country, and to my kindred, and take a wife unto my son Isaac .” ( Genesis 24:2 , 4) Abraham required a most sacred vow from Eliezer ( Genesis 15:2 ) to secure a bride for Isaac from the line of Shem rather than from the Canaanites ( Genesis 24:3-4 , 9). Eliezer had Abraham’s complete trust, with access and permission to all of his wealth ( Genesis 24:10 ). The Bible notes how Eliezer prepared for the success of the mission with adequate resources (employees, wealth, etc.), and went straight to his destination with no wasted time en route. Along the way he must have anticipated how to discern a proper wife and asked God for verification that He approved of the selection. Eliezer’s request indicated he had in mind a lady who must be strong, healthy, and industrious, with no delusions of a life of ease. She must also be gracious, sensitive, and compassionate. Eliezer’s pra