Discerning emotions from the Holy Spirit
For many believers, distinguishing between one’s feelings and the guidance of the Holy Spirit can be very challenging. It is easy to mistake a deep emotional state as something influenced or guided by the Holy Spirit. Oftentimes, this even happens to very well-intentioned Christians. We can long so badly to be “in God’s will” that in a desperate search for some supernatural guidance, we fall victim to letting our emotions take the lead. Many well-meaning Christians are being led by emotional experiences. Learning how to discern feelings from the Holy Spirit is an important lesson for every single Christian. This begs the question: how can Christians rightly discern feelings from genuine works of The Holy Spirit? To find the answer, I think we first remember that works of the Holy Spirit are ultimately elements of our sanctification (which is firmly rooted in our justification). Both justification and sanctification are works of a sovereign God – not man. The whole process of salvation ...