
Showing posts with the label established faith

Know my place in Christ

The phrase knowing your place has gotten a lot of bad press lately—and often for good reason. Theologically speaking, though, we should have it at the center of our understanding. Do we know our place in relation to God? Are we humble before Him as our Creator and Redeemer? Are we humbled by the fact that everything we have is a gift from His hand? Many people today, who are returning to ancient and pagan notions of reality, would say with Shirley MacLaine that “maybe the tragedy of the human race was that we had forgotten that we are each divine.” Whatever qualities that quote instills in the human mind and heart, humility is not among them. A better quote for instilling humility would be “There is a God, and you are not Him.” That is a beginning statement that gets to the spirit of what David expresses in Psalm 131, where he wrote: “O LORD, my heart is not lifted up; my eyes are not raised too high; I do not occupy myself with things too great and too marvelous for me” (Ps. 131:1). I