
Showing posts with the label exo-planets

Scientists caught telling half truths

Yesterday I watched the first episode of a new scientific documentary series on cosmology called “The Great Acceleration” and was shocked at the bald-faced lies that were presented to prop up an atheistic view of the universe. At one point, the narrator, Dr. Shalin Naik, said, “ Planets like our own are everywhere.”  Shortly after, Dr. Brad Tucker, an astrophysicist at the Australian National University, boldly proclaimed, “We are not unique. Kepler [a space telescope launched in 2009] told us that there are 20 billion planets like Earth in our galaxy alone.”  Really? 20 billion Earth-like planets in our galaxy! Before I explain why atheistic scientists are so keen to paint Earth as unremarkable and common, let me first reveal how shocking and blatant this lie is, by pointing you to the facts.  Because the FACT is that scientists have not yet discovered a SINGLE planet that is even REMOTELY similar to Earth. As of 24 August 2020, scientists have discovered a total of 4,201 confirmed ex