
Showing posts with the label false prophets

False Prophets today

Whatever happened to the "Trump prophets," those charismatic/Pentecostal Christians who said that God told them that President Donald Trump would win a second term? There were hundreds of prophets—famous and obscure—whose predictions about Trump being restored to his rightful place in the White House provided a theological framework for the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. The smoke had barely cleared when a few of the prophets repented for being wrong. Their websites and Facebook feeds were inundated with vulgarities, recriminations and even death threats. Jeremiah Johnson, a Charlotte, North Carolina-based prophet who said Trump would win in 2020, admitted on January 7 that he was wrong and said he got "multiple death threats" and "thousands" of angry emails. He added that he "never dreamed" that such a barrage of "satanic attack and witchcraft" would come from charismatic/Pentecostal people. He also said in a Facebook post, &quo

False apostles - what are they by Cripplegate

As false apostles in Corinth are challenging Paul’s credibility, they object to his authority and promote their own on the basis of letters of commendation. They’ve got doctored letters from some church in Jerusalem, and they’re calling Paul out because he has none.  Paul responds by saying that Christ Himself has written him a letter of commendation. And it wasn’t written with mere ink or on stone, but by the Spirit on human hearts. The salvation of the Corinthians themselves was all the commendation Paul needed. If we follow Paul’s imagery carefully, we wouldn’t have expected him to set up a contrast between human hearts and  tablets of stone .  He’s just spoken of natural letters written in  ink , and you don’t use ink on stone. We would have expected Paul to say something like, “Not on papyrus, or parchments, which fade away along with the ink written on them.” But he doesn’t say that. He contrasts “tablets of human hearts”—literally, “tablets that are hearts of flesh