
Showing posts with the label famous people

Why do we want famous people to be saved?

Why do we want famous people to be saved? I think it’s an important question for us to ask ourselves, not only because it is important for us to constantly examine our hearts and our motivations, but this question has implications on how we do evangelism.  Jordan Peterson is a popular (and extremely hated) Canadian professor and author among many other things, and I’ve seen a lot of videos of him where he espouses Christian beliefs. So many of his writings are very biblical and though he is not a Christian yet, many Christians seem to be holding out hope that he will convert to Christ.  I’ve seen many articles, tweets and videos about Jordan Peterson and a desire for his conversion. Alot of it is pretty fascinating. Take for example this article written last year. There seems to be much hope and excitement over his statements and a big desire for him to be saved. Many people seem to be holding out hope that he will become a Christian. As I consider this and look back at our reaction to