
Showing posts with the label gay

From Fringe Heresy to Dominant Orthodoxy: How the Homosexuality Cult Hijacked the world

It is the greatest civilization coup d’état of the 21st century — a seismic moral, cultural, social, and religious revolution that catapulted a fringe perversion to the status of a privileged orthodoxy. The staggering enormity of the gay guerrilla putsch punched me in the face when I saw an article in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists titled “Queering nuclear weapons: How LGBTQ+ inclusion strengthens security and reshapes disarmament,” written to celebrate Pride Month last year. How did nuclear scientists suddenly come to the spine-chilling conclusion that the world is threatened by “vulnerabilities in nuclear decision making” if LGBTQI+ individuals are excluded from making decisions “by a homogenous, cis-heteronormative community of practitioners”? In November 2022, the Vienna Center for Disarmament and Nonproliferation decided to include LBTQ people in the nuclear weapons space. Immediately, laypeople began tweeting about it, saying things like, “They should not allow mentally il

The Trans Lie

  New Study: Gender-Affirming Surgery Increases Suicide Risk 12x What have the pushers of “gender-affirming care” been telling us nonstop? If we don’t support sex changes in kids and others, they are more likely to commit suicide. As Chloe Cole’s parents were told, “Better to have a living son than a dead daughter.” But a new NIH-funded study from the University of Texas indicates the opposite is true, stating: “Individuals who underwent gender-affirming surgery had a 12.12-fold higher suicide attempt risk than those who did not.” The researchers’ conclusion: “Gender-affirming surgery is significantly associated with elevated suicide-attempt risks, underlining the necessity for comprehensive post-procedure psychiatric support.” Dr. Jordan Peterson  took X to share his unvarnished thoughts:  “The butchers and liars were murderously wrong,” he wrote. He blasted U.S. President Joe Biden and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for continuing to enable sex-change surgeries, calling it “u

Progressive Culture - run or stand?

Andrew T Walker Given the state of our culture, what I’m about to say may sound incredibly counterintuitive—maybe even bordering on the absurd. Nonetheless, I am left with the conviction that at this present cultural moment, there has never been a better time to be a social conservative. Given the advanced state of moral debauchery in mainstream American institutions, how could I possibly say something like that? I can say that because truth finds a way to reassert itself when we learn what is false. And what is most patently false about the time we live is the belief that we can continue to sustain ourselves walking the same hollowed-out pathway that we’re currently continuing down. It’s impossible. When we look at the declining marriage rates, the rise of what we call the “loneliness epidemic,” the transgender madness transgressing the very limitations of reason and nature, the increase in suicidal ideation, and preborn human beings discarded as “medical waste,” we see the reality. 

Pride, promiscuity, and preventable illness

When public health collides with identity politics The fact that even such a bastion of contemporary cultural orthodoxy as the New York Times carried an article that highlighted the role of Pride Month in the spread of monkeypox is a fascinating sign of the times.  In retrospect, the monkeypox outbreak brought about the collision of two of modern America’s moral absolutes:   1. The unconditioned legitimacy of consensual sexual self-expression, and the  2. The imperative of public health.  In such a scenario something clearly had to give, and in this case, public health got the boot. At least in the short term, the general policy among the nation’s public health officials was to avoid making a clear connection between gay promiscuity and a highly elevated risk of catching the disease. But the victory was somewhat Pyrrhic, coming at the cost of the health of the very people this policy was meant to protect. Cultural protection of a politically favored community came at the price of immen

Homosexuality Was the Token Sin of Sodom

Genesis 19:5 – And they called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us, that we may know them.” Since the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is the most graphic account of God’s response to sexual sin in general, and homosexual sin in particular, we need to consider the reasons why the sin judged in Sodom was homosexual sex.  The sexual sin of Sodom and Gomorrah has long been held to be homosexuality, as our English word sodomy indicates Earlier, in Genesis 13:12-13, when Lot chose to live in Sodom, God warned Abram about its wickedness in the days preceding the visit of the two angels saying, “Abram lived in the land of Canaan, while Lot lived among the cities of the plain and pitched his tents near Sodom. Now the men of Sodom were wicked and were sinning greatly against the LORD.” Genesis 18:20-21 records God’s account of the great sin saying, “Then the LORD said, ‘The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous that I will

Are you interested on Holy Sexuality?

At 33 years old, Bill became a Christian after pursuing same-sex relationships for eleven years. As a new believer, he was very open to marrying a woman and even starting a family. However, now thirty years later, he remains unmarried and has found godly contentment as a single man. Bill leads a full life of ministry and mentors many men with experiences similar to his own. After years in the gay community, Mark also put his faith in Christ. His new life as a Christian did not come with any sexual or romantic interest in the opposite sex. He was ready and content to be single for the rest of his life — assuming it was his only truly Christian option. Mark became best friends with Andrea, also a new follower of Christ. She came out of a broken past with abusive boyfriends and even a couple abortions. Because those relationships were toxic, she’d decided to hold off on dating and focus on her relationship with God. The two felt safe together. Mark knew she didn’t want to date, and And

Modern Adultery

Sitting across from me at the kitchen table this afternoon, you poured out your heart. When you married your high school sweetheart at 19, you never once suspected you would be in this place. Now, at 39, after twenty years of marriage, you call yourself gay. In tears, you tell me that you have “come out,” and that you’re not looking back. You haven’t had an affair. Yet. But there is this woman you met at the gym. You work out with her every morning, and you text with her throughout the day. Even though you are a covenant member of a faithful church, sit under solid preaching, and put up a good front for the children, you have been inwardly despising your husband for some time now. Hearing him read the Bible makes you cringe. You haven’t been intimate with him for over a year now. You tell me you can’t bear it. Is Gay Good? You tell me that leaving your husband for a woman is not an act of unfaithfulness. You tell me that you are being faithful to who you really are, and