
Showing posts with the label gender balance

Does gender matter?

It’s no secret that sexual mores have changed radically over the past few decades. Certain commonsense and natural beliefs about the purpose and nature of sex and marriage have been uprooted. Given the increase in abortion, our cultural addiction to pornography , and the ubiquity of broken marriages, many people are rightly asking how we can bring sanity back to the conversation. What can we do? We need to show how the ideas of the sexual revolution bump up against reality. In other words, the ideas behind the sexual revolution simply don’t match up with human sexuality. Proponents of the sexual revolution propagate ideas, but reality pushes back. Think about it this way: What happens if you try to push a beach ball beneath the surface of the water? The answer is obvious—it pops back up! Push it down one direction and it will come up another. The nature of the beach ball is to float to the surface, even when people try to keep it submerged. The same is true with human sexuality . P