
Showing posts with the label good things

Does God work all things for good?

Grayson Gilbert It is little wonder why a verse like Romans 8:28 is a rally cry to many Christians. We consider Paul’s words, “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose,” and apply them through various instances of life to find encouragement.  Yet the richness of this verse goes well beyond merely the fact that God does indeed work all things to good for those who love God. The specific framework Paul works within in the context of chapter 8 is set in light of the glories that await us beyond this earth. In Romans 8:18-25, Paul speaks of the reality of human suffering in a broken and fallen world that is eagerly awaiting the redemption of all things through Christ. While presently, this life is fraught with many trials and tribulations, the sufferings we experience are to be counted as incomparable with the glories to come. We groan, we wail, we suffer—yet with much hope as we persevere to th

Finding hope in suffering

… we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together (Rom. 8:17). At no other time is the vanity of life more evident than during times of suffering. When we are hurting the unyielding weight of life presses most forcefully upon us seemingly mocking us at every turn. We find it easy to ignore the constant drone of life when we’re surrounded by loved ones, when we’re in great health, or when we kneel to receive the warm embrace of a child. But when we’re faced with loneliness, when we’re in pain , or when we long to feel the arms of our children encircle us, only then do we taste most deeply life’s bitterness. How do we find comfort in the shadow of God ’s dark providences? Some people try to find comfort in God while they deny that He is in control of their suffering. Others deny God’s existence altogether and resolve simply to face suffering with courage. Some find solace in denying the existence of pain. They believe pain is only a figment of their imagination. Too many