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Be Like Batman: Guard the Gospel

Batman’s just an ordinary person, a regular guy roaming the streets of Gotham in a batsuit bringing justice to criminals. He doesn’t have special Kryptonian DNA like Superman. He was never injected with a super soldier serum like Captain America. But when the Dark Knight sees the bat symbol light up the sky, he suits up and gets to work guarding the city of Gotham. He’s an ordinary man with an extraordinary task. What does any of this have to do with your role as a church member? Well, quite a bit. Church members have been commissioned by God to guard the gospel. That task may seem like something that should be entrusted to spiritual superheroes. But God in his wisdom has put that responsibility on every Christian as a member of a local church. Let’s see this in the Bible. GUARDING GOD’S DWELLING The story of redemption actually begins with God commissioning Adam to “guard” the Garden of Eden, the dwelling place of God (Gen 2:15). As creation’s priest-king, Adam had the responsibility