
Showing posts with the label hadiths

The Past, Present and Future Dangers of the Islamic Belief in the Mahdi

Islam has been called a Christian heresy for centuries — first by the Church father  St. John of Damascus , an Arab Christian who lived during the Muslim conquests. Other notable Christian thinkers since —  Martin Luther ,  Hillaire Belloc , and  C.S. Lewis  among them —have agreed. Why? Because Islam’s founder, Muhammad, and the compilers of its holy book, the Quran, clearly cribbed from the Bible — both the  Old  and  New Testaments , as well as the  apocryphal “gospels ” that didn’t make the canonical cut.  In fact, a great  many biblical figures and events turn up in the Muslim holy book ,  as well as in  hadiths  — extra-Quranic sayings attributed to Muhammad. These figures include Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jonah, John the Baptist, Mary, and Jesus—but in the Quran, they’re all given a quite different spin.  Raymond Ibrahim deconstructed the Islamic Mary recently; a s for her Son, Muhammad’s  `Isa  litt...