
Showing posts with the label hymns

Simple does not mean shallow

  Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise him all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heav’nly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. These 25 words, known to many around the world today as “The Doxology,” comprise what is likely the single best-known verse of all Christian hymnology and poetry. On the surface, these lyrics are surprisingly modest and memorable. Few of us remember first hearing them, and few recall straining to learn them. Yet, as simple and accessible as these four lines are, Christians have been singing them now for more than three centuries. Because simple doesn’t mean shallow. Plain does not exclude profound. Which is one of the striking truths at the heart of our faith — and one of the great pieces of evidence for its truth — from the Gospel of John to the early creeds, to the most widely known and enduring lyrics we share with the global church today. “The greatest realities about God and his world can be captured in the humblest of terms.” The