
Showing posts with the label ideology

He was cancelled

Five years ago, the Oxford City Council in England cancelled me from giving an academic lecture on transgenderism, complaining that it breached the city’s diversity policy. The organizers had timed my address to coincide with Oxford University’s Hilary Term so students could attend; at my lecture, they would hear an alternative to the dogmas of intersectionality they usually encounter in university courses. My lecture was titled: “Feminism Was Women’s Great Enemy — Until Transgenderism Came Along.” That alone was guaranteed to trigger feminists and transgender people in the city of dreaming spires. So, last week, when I saw that Paris City Hall had cancelled two feminists for their book Transmania: enquête sur les dérives de l’idéologie transgenre (Transmania: An Investigation into the Abuses of Transgender Ideology), I felt a rare sense of solidarity with the sisterhood and asked the authors to send me a copy of their 400-page bombshell book. The Kafkaesque World of Transmania Transge

The Shaky Foundation for “Gender-Affirming Care”

TIME IS RUNNING OUT -GENDER IDEOLOGY VERSUS SCIENCE Recently, the United Kingdom’s National Health Service released an almost 400-page report on the state of “gender identity services for children and young people.” It’s named the “Cass report” after lead researcher and paediatrician Hillary Cass, who was chair of an independent review commissioned by NHS of Great Britain.  It is the most comprehensive evaluation of the available evidence and “sets out the recommended clinical approach to care and support they should expect, the interventions that should be available, and how services should be organized across the country.” The Shaky Foundation for “Gender-Affirming Care” Contrary to the standard narrative peddled by trans activists, the report affirmed that so-called “gender-affirming care” is built on “shaky foundations.” Far from being settled, the evidence supporting the use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and sex-change surgeries to “treat” gender dysphoria is “fragile.”

A dispute over nature

In a recent segment, Tucker Carlson, someone who needs no qualifying remarks, made some statements about the relationship between Transgenderism and Christianity. Carlson’s comments came in the aftermath of the shooting of six people, three adults and three 9-year old students, at a private Christian school in Nashville, TN. The shooter, someone called “Audrey Hale,” was a transgender person. As far as I have been able to discern from media coverage, Hale was a biological women who identified as a man. This would make the shooting an extreme rarity since less than 1% of mass shootings in American have been carried out by women. However, to the point about Carlson’s commentary on the incident (which the reader should watch prior to continuing), there are important insights to glean from the Fox host’s broadcast. Carlson makes some initial points of interest in the commentary that I believe are fairly accurate. These provide an appropriate cultural context to the story. It is a context w