Flabby Christians

FLABBY CHRISTIANS > NOT PHYSICAL BUT SPIRITUAL! I agree that often Christians in the West are immature. I agree our walk doesn’t always match our talk. But I also think the average Christian is about 3000 bible verses overweight. The way many leaders approach maturity is to assume that knowledge produces maturity. Since when? It’s wonderful that people understand what they believe, but knowledge in and of itself is not a hallmark of Christian maturity. As Paul says, knowledge puffs up. Love, by contrast, builds up. And some of the most biblically literate people in Jesus day got by-passed as disciples. The goal is not to know, but to do something with what you know. I wrote more on why our definition of Christian maturity needs to change here. 7 TRUTHS ABOUT AUTHENTIC DISCIPLESHIP Here are seven things I believe are true about biblical discipleship church leaders today should reclaim: 1. Jesus Commanded Us To Make Disciples, Not Be Disciples. The way many Christians talk,...