
Showing posts with the label imperfect

Moses was not perfect, Aaron was not perfect, and we are not perfect.

These are the same Aaron and Moses to whom the LORD said, “Bring out the children of Israel from the land of Egypt according to their armies”  (Ex. 6:26). Here we have a genealogy that ends in the two great patriarchs, Moses and Aaron. It is put here to validate their lineage, to show that they were Israelites—bone of their bone and flesh of their flesh—whom they were sent to deliver, and were raised up from among their brethren. Just as Jesus Christ was to be prophet and priest, the Redeemer and Lawgiver of the people of Israel, so were Moses and Aaron, as prophet and priest respectively. There are a few peculiarities in this genealogy. One is that only Reuben and Simeon are mentioned along with Levi, the tribe of Moses and Aaron. Some scholars believe that these two were mentioned by Moses because they were left under marks of infamy by their dying father: Reuben for his incest and Simeon (along with Levi) for the murder of the Shechemites. Therefore, Moses wanted to honor them,