
Showing posts with the label iron Chariots

Israel didn't anticipate Canaanite Iron Chariots

Figures 055 The Battle Between the Israelites and Amalekites (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The author of Judges tells us that when the tribe of Judah descended into the lowlands to conquer the indigenous Canaanites inhabiting their tribal allotment, they failed to drive them out completely due to the Canaanites’ tactical advantage of iron chariots . Furthermore, he refuses to provide extra details on the matter ( Judg. 1:19 ). Why would the author insert such a vague reference to this failure, especially since the rest of Judah’s incursion appeared successful?   Recall Joshua 17. After they blanched at the prospect of leaving the hills to engage the iron chariots in the plains, Joshua guaranteed the house of Joseph victory over the “strong” Canaanites. Consequently, two questions surface. First, what’s the big deal with iron chariots? In short, the Canaanites had them and the Israelites did not. Iron significantly outclassed all of the other materials used for military pur