
Showing posts with the label lifestyle

The joy of humility

“He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Mic. 6:8, NKJV). Humility, like patience, is one of those virtues for which we would like to be known while not having to often express it. In Colossians 3:12, God commands Christians to put on humility and meekness, but this is easier said than done. To begin we must ask, What is humility? Webster defines humility as “being free from pride or arrogance; not proud or arrogant, not haughty or assertive.” One Greek lexicon explains it as “the quality of not being overly impressed by a sense of one’s self-importance.”  If Thomas Aquinas is right that pride is the root of all sin, every instance of putting on humility requires a corresponding death blow to the root. Therefore, the reciprocal act of putting on humility and putting off pride is a foundational part of the spiritual warfare that the believer has entered into. Here we must understand

Live longer and Eternal life

One of my favorite books is Dr. Michael Greger’s How Not to Die. He lists the top ten causes of death (heart disease, diabetes, various cancers, etc.), and shows how diet and lifestyle changes can increase your chances of preventing, and in some cases reversing, these lethal maladies. Dr. Greger, employing winsome humor and loads of incontrovertible evidence, is very convincing. But he candidly admits that there is no cure for death. His goal is to help you be healthy, energetic, and enjoy vitality… right up until the moment you die of old age. But what if there was a cure for old age? Some reputable scientists are taking the challenge to find the fountain of youth very seriously. Biologists at UCLA have successfully extended the lifespan of fruit flies by tweaking their genes. These files live only 40 days, but with the UCLA longevity intervention, they get an extra 20 days. That’s a 50% increase; imagine you could live to be 130 years old! At Nottingham University, scientists did som