
Showing posts with the label mainline decline

Tim Keller on the decline and renewal of the church

There is no more urgent question for Christians than this: What’s wrong with the church and how can its life and ministry be renewed? Virtually everyone agrees something is radically wrong with the church. Inside, there’s more polarization and conflict than ever, leading all sides to agree the church is in deep trouble. Outside, journalists, sociologists, and all other observers bemoan or celebrate the church’s decline numerically, institutionally, and in influence. We must find a new way forward—to spiritual, theological, and institutional renewal—until the Christian church is thriving again, until it’s growing by appealing to and reaching people with truth and serving and changing people with love. The best method for understanding the way forward is to begin by recounting the story of the American church’s decline. Last Flourishing The American church after World War II seemed strong and flourishing. In 1952, a record 75 percent of Americans said religion was “very important” in the