
Showing posts with the label monarchian heresy

What was the Monarchian heresy?

The most basic affirmation the Scriptures make regarding the nature of God is that He is one. The Shema of Deuteronomy 6 reads as follows: “Hear, O Israel: the LORD our God, the LORD is one” (v. 4). These words that preface the great commandment are axiomatic to the biblical understanding of the nature of God. Old and New Testaments together bear witness to the eternal truth that there exists one God—monotheism.  Another term for monotheism is the word Monarchianism, meaning that the God of the Bible is a monarch. Monarch comes from a Greek word that has a prefix and a root. The prefix mono means “one” or “single.” The root word archē means “beginning, chief, or ruler.” We hear of archbishops, archenemies, archangels, all of which employ the root term archē. A monarchy is a form of government in which the rule is restricted to one person, a king or a queen, as distinguished from the rule of the few (oligarchy) or the rule of many (plutarchy). The doctrine of the Trinity, central to Ch