
Showing posts with the label moral failure

His confession was not fully burned

In 1518, Huldrych Zwingli, on his way to becoming the Reformer of Switzerland, was invited to become the pastor of the Great Minster in Zurich. Zwingli’s appointment was delayed, however, after a rumor circulated that he had impregnated a young woman in his previous parish. More than personal integrity was at stake in this accusation. If proven, Zwingli’s lack of chastity would be a propaganda coup for the Roman Church, who argued that the Protestant Reformation was less about doctrinal purity and more about priests throwing off the restraints of celibacy. Having been confirmed after an investigation, Zwingli began to preach the sermons that would awaken hearts to embrace the Reformation in Zurich. True Confession Some 300 years later, Johannes Schulthess (1758–1802), a renowned Zwingli scholar, was working in the archives of the Great Minster. Opening a volume, he discovered a letter written in Zwingli’s script. In the letter, Zwingli admitted to committing fornication, repent