
Showing posts with the label naked

Building a Spiritual Sweat

The statement from Paul to Timothy regarding spiritual discipline in 1 Timothy 4:7—“train yourself for godliness”—takes on not only transcending importance but personal urgency. There are other passages that teach discipline, but this is the great classic text of Scripture. The word train comes from the word 'gumnos', which means “naked” and is the word from which we derive our English word gymnasium. In traditional Greek athletic contests, the participants competed without clothing so as not to be encumbered. Therefore, the word train originally carried the literal meaning “to exercise naked.” By New Testament times, it referred to exercise and training in general. But even then it was, as it remains, a word with the smell of the gym in it—the sweat of a good workout. “Train yourselves, exercise, work out (!) for the purpose of godliness” conveys the feel of what Paul is saying. Spiritual Sweat In a word, he is calling for some spiritual sweat —so we must get