
Showing posts with the label name change

Nakushi No More: How Christ changes our name

 In certain parts of India, many girls have been given the name Nakushi. It’s a name some parents gave newborn girls when they were hoping for a boy instead. Local superstitions say that if parents name their daughter Nakushi, they will reverse the girl-curse, and they’ll improve their odds for a boy the next time. Tragically, Nakushi means “unwanted.” These precious girls are labeled from birth with parental disappointment. Each time they hear this name, they’re reminded of how dad and mom wished they had been someone else. No wonder that in 2011, when the Indian government permitted them a name change, more than 200 young women seized the opportunity, changed their name to one of their own choosing, and became Nakushi no more. From birth, we all need a name change. And, in the gospel, that’s what Christ gives us. We Need a New Name God once labeled us as “enemies” (Rom 5:10), “strangers” (Eph. 2:12), “rebels” (Ezek. 20:38), “haters” (Rom. 1:30), “impure” (Eph. 5:5), and “ignorant” (R

Mormons don't want you calling them Mormons anymore

THE JESUS OF THE MORMONS IS NOT THE JESUS OF THE BIBLE The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is embarking on a rebranding effort of sorts. THEY THINK THEY ARE A CHURCH BUT ARE A TIDY SQUEAKY CLEAN CULT The church commonly referred to as the Mormons, really wants people to stop using that word. It also wants people to stop using LDS as an abbreviation. From now on, it prefers that people use the church's full name, and when a shortened reference is needed, to just use "the Church" or "Church of Jesus Christ." DECEPTION BECAUSE THEY THINK THEY ARE A REAL CHURCH These preferences are contained in a new style guide that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints released Thursday. It states that while "the term 'Mormon Church' has long been publicly applied to the Church as a nickname, it is not an authorized title, and the Church discourages its use." It also asks that the term "Mormons" not be used in ref