
Showing posts with the label no singing

To sing or not to Sing?

In November 2020, the State of Washington instituted a government mandate which read “congregational singing is prohibited.” Just last week (Jan 11, 2021), they now only permit up to 15 people to sing together indoors and each singer must stand nine feet from others making it unrealistic for congregations to sing indoors.  The Bible both commands and commends congregational worship. So how should Christians respond when their governing authorities prohibit (or now severely restricts) something that the Bible commands and commends? There are at least four examples of this that come to mind.  My point in writing this is not to compare COVID restrictions to being burned in a fire (Daniel 6), but rather to closely examine the Scriptures and draw Biblical principles that we can then apply to our individual circumstances. Example One: Daniel 1 – Defying Dietary Instructions Daniel was a young man who was deported to Babylon where, “The king appointed for them a daily ration from the king’s c