
Showing posts with the label nothing impossible

Is anything impossible with God?

Is anything impossible with God? In arguably one of the best and most famous movies of my generation, The Princess Bride, Vizzini, a highly intelligent yet proud Sicilian mastermind, argues with Westley, the hero, that the idea of Westley beating Vizzini at a battle of the wits is utterly “inconceivable,” especially when death is on the line. After a clever game of deception, Westley does indeed beat Vizzini by having trained his body to resist the effects of a poisonous powder—to which the Sicilian mastermind unwittingly succumbs. By the end of the movie, Westley rescues his bride and, on more than one occasion, tricks death for the sake of “true love.” Our story in Hebrews 11:11–12 is a beautiful and tender one. It is also filled with poetic irony and “true love.” Sarah, by faith, conceives a child (Isaac, whose name poetically means “laughter”). What is truly “inconceivable” is the fact that when Sarah conceives Isaac, she is an old woman. The way of women had ceased to be with her